Welcome to the Hillcrest Turf Blog. As our blog grows and develops we are creating a "year in review" and the blog with pictures and articles related to different problems and successes during the growing season remind us of the many improvements Hillcrest under goes every season.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Now what are we doing.......................

Once again this week we are very busy battling disease, weather, and trying to finish up a couple of projects on the golf course. We topdressed again this Monday with another very light amount of sand and mother nature watered it in Monday night. We also topdressed the tees and approaches. Topdressing has so many benefits and one of them being to protect the crown of the plant and prevent scalping. So mornings after a heavy rain (Tuesday) the consistent and regular topdressing allow us to safety mow greens in less than ideal situations.

Monday we sprayed all the fairways (12 hours) with a grub preventative. The insecticide takes about one month to set up and since we normally start to see grub damage during the middle of August our goal is to complete our application by July 15th. We also had a bunch of debris down from the wind storm which required more man hours than anticipated.

The forecast is not nice as we work our way into the weekend so I am going to make a budgeted fungicide application on all tees and fairways hopefully before the weekend. This application could fight off disease for up to 21 days. Lets hope disease pressure is not so strong the last half of July. Greens were sprayed on their regular schedule today, even though I was a little late getting out because of the rain delay.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will be pouring the final piece of the cart path on #17 if the weather allows and the final grading should be completed by the weekend.

Looks like next week could be a tree trimming week, handwatering week, and fairway fertilizing week, but it is awful early to tell for sure.

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